D1/D2 Tutorials

November 23, 2015 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone

ADEA hosted its quarterly PRDS tutorial to help the D1s and D2s finish off their fall quarter. These tutorials are set apart from tutorials held by other organizations because it offers students a chance to have their work critiqued and approved by a faculty dentist. This quarter, we were honored to work with Dr. Atkinson as our volunteer faculty dentist. Along with Dr. Atkinson, approximately twenty-five students volunteered their time to offer underclassmen one-on-one tutoring sessions. Students worked together, providing each other with advice and support to complete their PRDS daily work. It was a successful event during which students were able to finish some work while socializing with each other in a stress-free environment. ADEA would like to thank all the student volunteers and Dr. Atkinson for graciously offering their time and support.