ADCFP Spotlight: Kevin Hildebrandt (’21)

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ADCFP Spotlight: Kevin Hildebrandt (’21)

Category : ADCFP

The Academic Careers Fellowship Program (ADCFP) provides dental students at UCSF the opportunity to explore academia through faculty mentorship and research- or education-based projects. Read what some of our students are working on below:

Increasing Value Care in the Pre-doctoral Clinic:

In exploration of a complete dental education experience, the pre-doctoral clinic is a major aspect of student development into future clinicians. Across the country, our students and faculty work together to provide the best care possible while learning procedures, patient management and administrative processing. While the student clinic is a laboratory for learning, it is also a business that produces a product in exchange for compensation from patients and insurers. With this in mind I am working through a retrospective chart audit from the pre-doctoral clinic to evaluate production per chair and number of visits for specific procedures in hopes to develop a further study on improving value and outcomes for the patients and the dental center.