ADCFP Spotlight: Allison Jan & Trung Nguyen

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ADCFP Spotlight: Allison Jan & Trung Nguyen

Category : ADCFP

The Academic Careers Fellowship Program (ADCFP) provides dental students at UCSF the opportunity to explore academia through faculty mentorship and research- or education-based projects. Read what some of our students are working on below:

Nitrous oxide (N2O/O2) sedation is commonly used in dentistry to reduce anxiety and dental fears in both pediatric and adult patients. When properly used, it serves as an effective adjunct to local anesthesia. The goal of our project is to survey US dental students on N2O/O2 sedation training curriculum at their respective dental programs. We hope to elucidate how training curriculum differs among dental programs, with the overarching goal of standardizing N2O/O2 sedation training across the US.