Message from the President

Message from the President

Category : Miscellaneous

The second half of the academic year has been an incredible time for UCSF’s ADEA chapter. Our board members were hard at work bringing to life traditional programming, as well as new innovative projects that continue to push the legacy of our chapter. On our website’s new blog, you will get to read about our famed Roads to Residency series, learn about our new Faculty Pecha Kucha event, and celebrate UCSF’s largest interprofessional event, the 15th Annual High School Outreach Conference.

It has been an absolute privilege to lead this year’s board, and I am proud of the work each member has put in not only to help others learn about academia, but also explore the realm themselves. We had a large number of board members who were also ADCFP fellows. They were energetic, curious, and passionate about their projects. At Annual Session in Orlando, FL, we brought a record 20 students, the majority of whom were there to present on their projects.

Each year, I see more and more students interested in incorporating education into their future plans, and I can’t help but attribute it to the wonderful work of students who lead UCSF’s ADEA chapter. Their efforts and their passion for dental education seeps through the culture at this school and permeates among their classmates. I am excited to see what happens next year, and the many years to come!